Sunday, April 7, 2013

A little slice of heaven...

We headed out to Texas hill country, in search of this year's Bluebonnet fields and were blessed with wonderful sightings.... from Chappell Hill to Brenham, the blossoms were out in full glory.  We wander up and down back country roads and took every turn and twist, to be rewarded with more and more beautiful views.

   My sweetest husband must have pulled over a hundred times for me to take picture after picture of the Texas flowers laced all up and down the backroads weren't the only treasures we found!

I now have two new Texas favorites, yep more reasons to return to my beautiful Texas hill country....

The first was The Antiqe Rose Emporium,  Oh My Gosh Golly!!!! How did I not know this wonderful place Independence, Tx...don't blink or you will miss it!  But you do not want to miss this gorgeous garden store...

It is the MOST beautiful, enchanting, wonder-filled place...filled with antique roses, roses that are hardy and fragrant and so rich with exquisite sure and visit their website and at the very least you will be inspired by the assortment of gorgeous roses, gardens and whimsical clay pot displays they feature...
And the second new favorite place we "discovered" was Manuel's in Brenham.  My husband was hungry for a Mexican lunch and we sped by this little spot and the parking lot was he turned the car around and we joined the crowd.  From the moment we walked in...the staff for so friendly, the salsa's...omgeeeee, the green sauce was the I have ever had and the cute!

The whole place was just a joy, celebrating the fun and excitement of Mexico...but THEN,  the dinner arrived....I ordered Enchiladas de Crema and iced tea...and believe you me a girl from Texas is picky about her iced tea...  I am not exaggerating when I say this was the best Mexican food and TEA ever.  I even took a picture of the bathroom sink....I know, right? 

Well, anywho...we had a great mini Texas vacation this past week!  Took the time to take the roads less traveled and really "stop and smell the roses".   Hope you all are enjoying the changing seasons and are having fun and discovering something new along the way!

Molly D



  1. It seems like you like flowers and such like I do. I'm in heaven when I'm outside in my flower beds. Being able to craft has brought me so much joy. I can't work my flower beds like I use to or need to so I come inside and craft. You mean alot to many of us and you bring us great joy and inspiration. Thank you for that, Carole

  2. Wow Molly, What a bunch of gorgeous flowers!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful day! Hugs, Nicole :-)

  3. We were stationed in Texas for 6 years. I remember and have pictures of the bluebonnets. How beautiful to see them alongside the roads. They were amazing! we would have stayed in Texas if it weren't for the 23 1/2 hour drive Enjoy!

  4. Molly, thank you for sharing your "Road Less Traveled" mini vacation. I have never seen a real bluebell in the flesh! LOL They are beautiful! TFS, Linda

  5. OMG! The Texas Bluebonnets were spectacular! What a fun drive! All the flower pictures are beautiful! My husband takes me on drives with my camera, too. I can certainly relate and I know you had a wonderful time. Ha! Loved the Mexican sink. I have one in my house in Mexico, but it's not as colorful! It is fun to decorate with them...a challange cause of the patterns and many colors. It's called Talavera pottery. I love the stuff. Thanks again for sharing the beautiful flowers. Linda

  6. Hi Molly! Thanks so much for letting us roadtrip with you vicariously. I loved the pics of the flowers as I live in Ontario, Canada and we won't see any flowers for a bit. It's keeps warming up here and then it gets cold again. I wanted to also thank you for your wonderful videos, I really enjoy them and always look forward to seeing what beautiful creation you've come up with.

  7. How come we don't take more time to enjoy all of what God gives us to see? Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. If I close my eyes I can smell the gorgeous flowers. Hugs, Mary

  8. I live in Michigan but I have always heard about the Texas wildflowers and how Lady Bird Johnson had a lot to do with making sure they were preserved. Thanks for the beautiful photos!
