Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fun Simple and Free Color Design Website You'll Love

For anyone who loves color, and wants inspiration on choosing color palettes for your scrapbook layouts, in my opinion, there is nowhere better than Design Seeds.

It is so easy to use.  One of my favorite features is the slider bar selection box at the top of the Palette Search page.  You can choose between picking a single color of your own and finding an artistic palette to inspire you.  Perfect when you are trying to highlight a particular color from your photo or supplies. 

Another easy breezy choice is to select one of the "search by theme" choices.  For this page I picked flora and am thrilled with the garden of beautiful photos and color palettes at my fingertips.

This search option is always inspiring to me and seems to be so intuitive in selecting THE perfect choices to fit the mood or color designs that inspire me most.  Here's just a few more of my favorite pics:

mineral hues
This one was in the minerals selection.  Man oh man, if only I could just reach thru and into this screen and touch and "borrow" all these great mineral specimens...yummmmmm.  Did I ever mention how much I love rocks and gems?

color stacked
This gorgeous palette is from the "summer" search link.  I just love these vibrant colors. Now where can I find those dishes???

And last, but certainly not least...this gorgeous palette.  With playful bubbles and fun filled mix of colors.  I would have never ever ever thought of mixing these colors.  It popped up when I moved the RGB sliders to find a fun golden yellow as the starting point.  

Now I am off to pull cardstock from my overflowing stash.  Yep, this was just the inspiration I needed to get me out of this chair!  Now you, go, and have fun playing with color! 

summer spectrums


  1. If this site does what I think it does....well let's just say I am very excited. I have been saving pics that friends and family have posted of beautiful things, places, objects etc. I save them because the colours are just so gorgeous. I have a file that I've titled "Colour Inspirations for Cards." Now if I'm able to go to this site and upload my pic and they will spit out colours in the pics, that will be fan-freakin'-tastic! Off to see if I'm guessing correctly. Thanks for sharing Molly!

    1. Ok I did actually go check it out. She is not a fan of colour generators and she explains why here; So these palette generators do exist but she explains that the colours are not true and sometimes there are even colours listed that are not in the photo. It's a cool website regardless. She has so many beautiful palettes that just looking at them is enough to provide inspiration when you find yourself in a funk.

    2. Oh you have me on the hunt for that function. Seems to me, I remember seeing that somewhere along the internet highway...Thanks for taking a look! Great to hear from you!

    3. Marianne, try I checked it out, and yes they let you upload image and then play with suggested palletes. They even have an app for your phone or tablet. Now, it's an adobe product, so may be cost for mobile apps. Take a look though and hope it works for you!

  2. Thank you so much Karen! Great to hear from you!
