What a blessing! I went to a crop in Crowley, LA last month with an incredible group of ladies called "Scrapbooking with Friends". Paula and Margie host this group and each month is a wonderful treat. But oh my Heaven's above, November was over the top! Several of us croppers participated in a Cookie Recipe card swap and man oh man, did the ladies out do themselves in the creativity department. So then the burning question becomes....how do I showcase these treasures? Need to be protected, but I definitely want to use the recipes...hmmm. And it's got to be cute, so I can count it in as part of my holiday decorations. Well, after a month of toying with the ideas of making a box, binding them with my Cinch, trying to find a cute 6 x 6 mini album, I got a tap on the shoulder from above. Late one night while I was sleeping, I swear, an jolly Christmas angel tapped me on the shoulder and said....with quite an attitude..." Girl, you are trying to use up your supply stash...don't you even remember you have those 6" x 12" Bazzill albums. You've had for years! Use the darn things!" So not one to argue with an angel, I got up, dug out one of those mini's and voila...it was perfect for these darling recipe cards. Now those creative ladies did throw a few curves in the planning in how to display these recipes. Some had pull outs, some had pokey outey embellishments, some had decorations that went past 6". But no worries...I just "reshaped" a few of their pokey outies. And got out the double sided extra strong tape and taped the ones with flaps and flips and pull outs directly on the outside of the page protectors.
A small group even made pages that both sides just had to be seen, so I made sure that happened, too. Then I took a few extra minutes to "compose" what pages I wanted to show in a two page spread. Now I just love love love my new recipe book. Lucky for me, there was even a spot or two to put pictures in to remind me of the wonderful group of ladies that come together once a month to create. Oh, and on that note, I did make sure to rewrite the names of each lady on the front of the card or on the pull outs. I know I will want to remember exactly who gifted me with these amazing recipes. Now that this project is done, I just need to make my shopping list, head out to the store for all the sweet ingredients and a new pair of two of stretch pants. Don't you just love Christmas! And especially sharing the joy with good friends and family. Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours....now about those cookies....can't you just smell the vanilla in the air.... Joy to you all and have fun crafting! Molly D
Just wanted to share a quick video for two pop-twist cards I made. To make these fun cuties, I used the Cricut Design Space cut file from Obsessed with Scrapbooking. She was so generous to share this tutorial and file with us all. I had so much fun making these quick and easy, but oh so dramatic cards. Hope you will give it a try, after watching her video! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Now back to crafting! Molly D
Made a video of a quick tour thru my latest little mini album. I used the happy Santa & Co. line from Simple Stories. Have had these fun papers, stickers and embellishments in my stash for quite a while and was bound and determined to use them all up in projects this year. Well, I got very close, just have 4 or 5 sheets of the paper left. Whew! This style was not my original idea. I was inspired by a mini album a very talented friend of mine did from a kit from a few years back from one of the best scrapbook stores in the universe. Treasured Memories in Lafayette, La Janet owns the store and she and her team create beautiful layouts and share their talents during crops and classes. And if you are ever in the market for page kits for scrapbooking, you won't find any better styles or values than those at Treasured Memories. Now, as I tell about in the video, I did change up the format just a little to allow from thicker embellishments and pictures, but the idea is basically the same. And along with the book I did a four "pocket" pages and two single page layouts from the same line. And yes, even after all that, I still have paper left....and yes, I know I have a paper problem. But I can't imagine having a better addiction than that! Happy crafting to you all and Happiest of Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours!